I want to do Yoga but……
I want to do yoga but I don’t know where to start because I am too old, too stiff, too big, too unfit, have a sore back………there are many reasons people come up with to not start moving. We could refute all of these reasons. But we won't as we know these are just easy answers given to deflect from the real reasons for not starting yoga or any movement program; reasons that are much more complex and can include issues such as self-confidence, body image and fear, issues that may have been exacerbated by the stress and uncertainty of the past two years.
Maybe you want to get moving but feel like you won't fit in, it has been too long, you will be embarrassed, people will look at you, or that you won't be "good at it". We understand. We have all been there. We don't judge, we just want to help and support you to start and progress on your fitness and wellness journey.
There are many ways to move. Edmonton has a wide range of amazing fitness-based businesses offering a wide range of options from weights to Zumba and to have any chance of maintaining consistency then you need to choose something you enjoy. Yoga is a great option as it is low impact and through the use of props and modifications is truly accessible to everyone. The many different forms of yoga mean that is is also versatile and can provide what ever you are looking for from a slow and meditative, restorative practice to a high intensity and sweat building active practice.
So, whatever your reasons for being hesitant or reluctant to move, there is a form of yoga that can helps keep you mobile, healthy and strong.
And our answer to the statement “I don’t know where to start because…….”, is that you start exactly where you are and go from there; nobody is judging you so please don’t judge yourself.