Grounded in Wellness: The importance of yoga for your feet, ankles and toes
Set those feet free from your shoe coffins and take care of them.
Embracing the Dad Bod: A Perfect Starting Point for Beginning Yoga
Far from being something to hide or be ashamed of, the dad bod is a wonderful thing, and we're here to tell you why!
Positive affirmations
Happiness comes when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. Harmony sounds good to me!
“Yoga begins right where I am-not where I was yesterday or where I long to be" - Linda Sparrowe
As yoga teachers we sometimes hear the phrase "I am not good at yoga".
What is often meant by this is that people do not meet their own expectations of what their bodies "should" look like in yoga poses, expectations based on images seen on social media or in books.
I want to do Yoga but……
I want to do yoga but I don’t know where to start because I am too old, too stiff, too big, too unfit, have a sore back………there are many reasons people come up with to not start moving. We could refute all of these reasons. But we won't as we know these are just easy answers given to deflect from the real reasons for not starting yoga or any movement program; reasons that are much more complex and can include issues such as self-confidence, body image and fear, issues that may have been exacerbated by the stress and uncertainty of the past two years.