
I want to do Yoga but……
Atma Yoga, Edmonton yoga Frances Plane Atma Yoga, Edmonton yoga Frances Plane

I want to do Yoga but……

I want to do yoga but I don’t know where to start because I am too old, too stiff, too big, too unfit, have a sore back………there are many reasons people come up with to not start moving. We could refute all of these reasons. But we won't as we know these are just easy answers given to deflect from the real reasons for not starting yoga or any movement program; reasons that are much more complex and can include issues such as self-confidence, body image and fear, issues that may have been exacerbated by the stress and uncertainty of the past two years.

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Why do binds in yoga?

Why do binds in yoga?

When I began yoga I was told that binds are "difficult" and for "experienced yogis" and so for many years I avoided them. However, over the past few years I have come to realise that both of those statements are false and that binds can be both an amazing addition to a yoga practice and can be accessible to everyone whatever their level of yoga experience, fitness and flexibility.

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Yin Yoga for Tight Hips
Yin for hips, Edmonton yoga Jay McMahon Yin for hips, Edmonton yoga Jay McMahon

Yin Yoga for Tight Hips

I have been teaching yoga for a long time now and have learned a lot about how to have great classes that benefit people even though they might not know that they need it. Yin yoga is like that for me. Typically I would not do this kind of class for myself but have come to realize the tremendous benefits of doing Yin yoga for everyone; not only people who do other types of yoga class but everyone from athletes and to people who are not very active.

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